Huggibles Commitment to Quality
Our commitment to quality starts with sourcing high quality ingredients backed by science. We use premium US and globally-sourced ingredients from Norway, Iceland, Germany, Canada, and other countries (except China). Every ingredient is tested by a state-of-the-art Near Infrared Spectroscope to confirm the identity of the ingredients and ensure it meets our high standards.
All new ingredients are tested three times by an outside lab to validate that those ingredients meet the Certificate of Analysis claims. Additionally, we use an outside lab annually to validate that the ingredients meet the Certificate of Analysis claims. Microbial tests are performed for salmonella, E. coli, and other bacterial strains. Ingredients are not used in production until all safety tests are reviewed and approved by Quality Control.
After production, products are once again put through various testing methods which include Enterobacteriaceae, E. coli, salmonella, heterotrophic plate count, and/or yeast and mold depending on the type of product produced. We also have a testing system in place to validate the final product meets label claims.
Huggibles soft chew and liquid supplements are manufactured in FDA registered facilities in the USA. The facilities follow all FDA (Food & Drug Administration) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Procedures) guidelines. During manufacturing of our soft chew products, we use a no-heat cooking method that ensure the quality and efficacy of all the ingredients are not compromised. This is especially important for key ingredients such as probiotics and glucosamine to maintain their nutritional value and health benefits.
In addition to the standard testing protocol, our soft chew facility is also audited on a yearly basis by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) for nutritional supplements cGMP compliance under title 21 CFR Part 111. This provides safety-related certification, testing, and validation to our manufacturing process.
We use FDA and NASC audited manufacturing facilities which means that our finished products are routinely subjected to tests by a third-party independent laboratory that performs an analysis to ensure labels claims are met.
As you can see, we take quality very seriously.
With an increasing amount of goods being made overseas, we’ve chosen to keep our manufacturing in the U.S.A to ensure the highest quality production, packaging, and final end product. We use premium US and globally-sourced ingredients to give your pet delicious products that pack a nutritional punch.